Saturday, March 23, 2013



Just a quick note about some interesting nature finds.
We are seeing tons of OSPREY...GO OSPREY!!!
Dolphins play in the bow wave. So we lean off the bow and cheer them on.
Jellyfish sparkle..are they intelligent beings?
White and Roseate Ibis, the next best thing to seeing a flamingo..beautiful pink.
Wood Storks.  Now why anyone would think they would deliver a baby is beyond me.
Of course many herons and egrets.
Yes, and manatees, although they are secretive.
Northern Gannets, Cormorants, Plovers, oh and two Eagles so far.

Now for the weird/sad things.
A dead turtle, floating bloated.
A dead pregnant female manatee..yes we saw her up close when she was being hauled in to be sent for necropsy.
A dead possum-looking animal in the water.
An injured Northern Gannet.

We are currently in St. Augustine waiting for friends Karen and Patrick to arrive.  Love this place.  I had grits with bacon, mushrooms, scallions, pepperjack cheese, and shrimp for dinner last night!!! Mmmmm, that southern food is FINE. Now doesn't Geoff look nautical and jaunty.  Cool thunderstorm at the moment...gotta go watch the lightning!!!!

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