Thursday, January 31, 2013

Caya Costa


Dear Blogwatchers,

HELLO!!!!  We are at Cayo Costa Island.  It is a state park near where Geoff and I “got started”.  I have to say I lured him into my clutches.  It was either me or some girl from Michigan.  I knew he liked bikes and boats so I thought …"what about a trip to Florida to bike and end up at my friend Vance’s who had a sailboat!!I, of course, disliked the biking part (didn’t have my electric assist then!) but my plan worked….oh yeah, and the gin and tonics!!!  So tonight I have given my fella some more gin and tonics.  We are in Pelican Bay and I think we just heard a manatee.  There is no wind and no bugs on the boat.  We got back from a beautiful walk on the Gulf side at the park, watched the sunset and the moonrise then showered off the back of the boat, even with warm water, while Geoff cooked supper and I watched the stars.  So beautiful.  Can’t beat this.

Okay, so the hard part…our depth sounder isn’t working. 
Yesterday I thought I was Miss Navigation Extraordinaire until Geoff pointed out that I was out of the designated channel.  Pissed me off (sorry Mom) then burst my bubble and made me sad to think that my skills weren’t perfect after a day on the ICW.  Still lots to learn and without a depth sounder it makes it all the more nerve-racking.
We stayed at Cayo Costa another night and got up early to go hunt for manatee. No luck there but we saw eagles and osprey and hiked about four miles on the island and DID NOT run into a feral pig or alligator.  Yes, they have them there.

Tonight we are in Fort Meyers.  Just walked a bit downtown, had a tasty BBQ dinner and tomorrow will visit with Rita and Bob, my friends from 1974!!! We are on the Caloosahatchee River, headed toward Lake Okeechobee..

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