Monday, March 4, 2013

More Keys Time

This last week we have had a wonderful visit with my sister and brother-in-law, Kathy and Al Meyer.  They handled the small space, pumping the head, climbing in and out of the dinghy with alot of grace.  I guess the balance of daily awesome sunrises and sunsets paid off.  We have just meandered around the Keys, bird watched, swam, and dingied to shore.  OH YEA!...and ate very well!! Kathy wants to eat seafood her whole time in Florida and of course, we had to trial any Key Lime Pie we could get our hands on!

We are currently in Marathon City Marina at Boot Key Harbor and await our next visitors, Winnie and Jack.  This is an amazing community of many live-aboards, either full time or people that winter on their boats here.  We will head to Key West and then start our trek Northward.  We miss your sweet faces and hope that you are all well.

Oh yes, the big news...we rented our house and I feel very blessed who the renter is.  Our house is in good hands.

Take care,


  1. What a sublime adventure you're having! I love reading your posts - y'all are doing a good job describing things in such a way that I almost feel like I'm there with you. Wish I were!!!

    You two are amazing. Love you both!
    ~ Leigh

  2. Yippee for getting your house rented! What a relief. Also, it took me a minute to realize that Geoff's online name was Bikin' Geoff not Bikini Geoff. One makes soooo much more sense than the other! M.
